What month is best to go to the Dolomites?

What month is best to go to the Dolomites? The winter skiing season runs from mid-December until early April. We've personally visited the Dolomites in May, June, July, August, September, and October. The best time of year to visit the Dolomites is mid/late June, early July, and September.

Are the Dolomites crowded in summer?

The only real drawback to visiting the Dolomites in the summer is that it's peak season, which runs from June to late August. While you won't experience the same kinds of crowds as the Vatican City at Easter or Venice during Carnevale, many hiking trails can get busy, and prices will be higher.

What major city is near the Dolomites?

Bolzano (Bozen) is a beautiful city often referred to as the “Gateway to the Dolomites”, which is comprised of a lovely mixture of cultural displays, open air markets, restaurants and high end shops.

Can you get altitude sickness in Dolomites?

Can you get altitude sickness in the Dolomites? Yes, but it's not likely. Altitude sickness usually starts to kick in above 2,500 meters and can present itself (at these mild altitudes) with shortness of breath or an accelerated heartbeat.

What is the driest month in the Dolomites?

Weather/Climate in the Dolomites All mountain regions get a fair amount of rain in summer and the Dolomites are no exception. June and September are the driest months.

How many days do you need for Dolomites?

If you simply want to drive through the Dolomites and visit a few highlights, two to three days is all you need. If you love hiking, spend as much time here as you can. I recommend five days at a minimum. So far, we spent 12 very busy days in the Dolomites and still have more that we want to come back and do.

Are the Dolomites difficult?

PRO TIP: Hiking is NOT all difficult in the Dolomites. There are plenty of trails that are rated easy and medium on the challenge scale, and everything is very well marked. In fact, some of the most iconic views from the Dolomites can be accessed by an easy hike!

Which part of Dolomites is best?

Finding out where to stay in the Dolomites is the most important decision when planning a trip to this region of Northern Italy. The best places to stay in the Dolomites are Val Gardena, Alta Badia, Cortina d'Ampezzo, San Martino di Castrozza, Alta Pusteria, and Val di Funes.

Is visiting the Dolomites expensive?

THE DOLOMITES ARE EXPENSIVE BUT ALSO AFFORDABLE WITH THESE TIPS. We're not going to lie, the Dolomites can be very expensive, and for many travellers, prohibitively so. Accommodation, especially in popular areas, can exceed €200 per night and will likely be your largest cost.

Is Lake Como in the Dolomites?

The Dolomites are farther east and slightly north, concentrated around Trento/Bolzano. The mountains surrounding Lake Como are the Pre-alps or Alpine foothills. Looking north, up toward Colico from Bellagio, you can see part of the Bernina Range of the Alps. In a word no.

Is Dolomites better in summer or winter?

Seasonal Planning for Travel to the Dolomites If you're into skiing, winter is ideal. If it's hiking you're after, summer and early fall is your best bet. Temperatures and weather conditions vary depending on how high you go into the mountains. In all seasons it's important to be prepared with layers of clothing.

Is October a good time to visit Dolomites?

The cool mountain air, blue-bird skies, solitude, and a wide array of autumn colours. They say perfection doesn't exist but when it comes down to hiking in the Dolomites, there is no better time for it than October.