What makes people feel unsafe on public transport?

What makes people feel unsafe on public transport? Overall, the research suggests that feelings of anxiety and discomfort associated with traveling with people you do not know is the most influential factor driving negative feelings of personal safety on public transport. Gender and actual experience of unsafe incidents were not as important.

What is the fear of public buses?

Agoraphobia is a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn't be available if things go wrong. Many people assume agoraphobia is simply a fear of open spaces, but it's actually a more complex condition. Someone with agoraphobia may be scared of: travelling on public transport.

What are the pros and cons of public transportation?

Below are some pros and cons of using public transportation to help better your commute.
  • Pro: Can be more productive while taking public transportation.
  • Con: Wait time/cost.
  • Pro: Environmentally friendly.
  • Con: Sharing the experience with others.

What is the safest form of public transportation?

Furthermore, he adds that using commuter or intercity rail is over 20 times safer than driving; riding the metro or light rail is about 30 times safer; and getting on the bus is around 60 times safer when compared to personal transportation.

What is the most unsafe mode of transportation?

Motorcycles had a fatality rate of 212 per billion passenger miles, by far the highest of all modes: “A motorcyclist who traveled 15 miles every day for a year, had an astonishing 1 in 860 chance of dying — 29 times the risk for automobiles and light trucks.”

How do you survive public transport?

Stand back from the curb while waiting for a bus. Avoid arriving anywhere at night and using dim or vacant entrances to stations or terminals. Utilize only busy, well-lit stations. Take as little luggage as possible; ideally, no more than you can comfortably carry.

What are three disadvantages to using public transportation?

Disadvantages of Public Transport Privacy is a big issue in public transport. There are a lot of crowds, and sometimes you need more space to sit. Public transport has a low level of comfort. Cleanliness can be a big issue if public transport vehicles are not well-maintained.

Is public transportation a social issue?

Many do not realize that transportation is a socioeconomic issue just as much as it is about pollution or traffic congestion.

How do you keep public transport safe?

Public Transportation Safety
  1. Plan your route ahead of time. ...
  2. Do not run to the train. ...
  3. Listen for public announcements and follow the directions provided.
  4. While waiting for a bus or streetcar, try to avoid unlit or deserted areas. ...
  5. Never attempt to board a subway train once the doors begin to close.

Which is safer plane or train?

In 2014, there were 990 plane-related deaths, but only 21 fatal airliner accidents. That's an average of 47 deaths per flight. So if you think of accidents in terms of how deadly they are of average, then flying would be significantly more deadly than riding a train.

What are the dangers of public transportation?

Some of the dangers of public transportation may include:
  • Inadequate bus, train, or railway maintenance.
  • Defective or malfunctioning vehicles.
  • Insufficient security personnel.
  • Negligent hiring.
  • Operating a vehicle while intoxicated.
  • Distracted driving.
  • Drowsy driving.
  • Lack of training.