What lights do helicopters use at night?

What lights do helicopters use at night? All aircraft use anti-collision lights at night as well as formation lights. Helicopters can additionally use landing lights to aid in runway identification, search lights for the obvious reason and rescue lights for search and rescue. Some of them are night vision compatible as well.

How do helicopter pilots see at night?

Helicopter pilots see at night by using Night Vision Goggles or NVGs. Night vision goggles for heli pilots are designed explicitly for night flights at the lowest light levels. Their use does not require any modernization of the helicopter's cockpit. Also, the NVGs comply with different types of helmets.

Is it illegal to shine a light at a helicopter?

Penalties Shining a light at an aircraft in order to impair its operation is a misdemeanor level offense. Those convicted of this offense could be sentenced to up to a year in jail, expensive court fines, community service or community labor, and any other conditions of probation that may be appropriate.