What law governs U.S. Virgin Islands?

What law governs U.S. Virgin Islands? The U.S. Virgin Islands do not have their own constitution. The main governing document of the U.S. Virgin Islands is the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands, which was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1954.

Why is the U.S. Virgin Islands not a state?

They were sold to the United States by Denmark in the Treaty of the Danish West Indies of 1916. Now an organized, unincorporated United States territory, the islands are considered an insular area, which is a U.S. territory that is not related to any of the 50 U.S. states or the District of Columbia.

Can anyone move to the Virgin Islands?

When you are moving to the US Virgin Islands from the USA, if you are an American citizen you will not require a visa. However, non-US citizens willing to stay in the Virgin Islands for a long term need to apply for suitable visas. There are H1B, H2B and student visas available to move to the islands and live there.

Why does the U.S. want Virgin Islands?

The US purchased the islands in 1917, when they were known as the Danish West Indies, hoping that they'd be an ideal strategic location for a naval base and would help secure the region surrounding the Panama Canal.

Do the British still own the Virgin Islands?

The British Virgin Islands are a British Overseas Territory located in the northeastern Caribbean. They consist of some 50 islands, cays, rocky formations, and islets, with a total surface area of 59.3 mi.

Can I afford to live in the U.S. Virgin Islands?

The cost of living in the U.S. Virgin Islands is higher than on the U.S. mainland. On average, apartments cost $2,000 per month. A two-bedroom house costs at least $285,000. Not everyone can afford health care on the U.S. Virgin Islands.