What kind of people like Seattle?

What kind of people like Seattle? “What type of person would be the most happy living in Seattle?” Outdoor oriented - fishermen, boaters, bikers, hikers really like Seattle. Lots of nature close to town. High earner, probably in the tech industry.

Why are Millennials moving to Seattle?

Flourishing Economy And Job Market In addition, the economy of The Emerald City is booming more than ever. Its tech sector houses the headquarters of some world-leading companies in the field, such as Amazon and Microsoft. Furthermore, Seattle is a fertile ground for startups that are yet to thrive.

Is Seattle a stressful city?

Seattle was clearly the most anxious metro among those surveyed, a full 5 percentage points higher than No. 2, Phoenix, at 54%. San Francisco had the third-highest percentage, at around 52%. Dallas was the least stressed-out metro, with a little less than 45% of adults reporting feelings of anxiety.

What is Seattle culture like?

Famous for its markets, coffee shops, and music, Seattle has no shortage of culture. There's quite the fine arts scene that includes mediums like painting, studio glass, and textiles. Additionally, Seattle boasts many venues with live performances, including the acclaimed Seattle Opera and the Pacific Northwest Ballet.

Are Seattle locals friendly?

This is a similar phenomenon in other cities, but the Freeze has been a popular topic of conversation for almost two decades. It's often used as an excuse for people to keep to themselves. But don't let this typecasting of Seattle push you away; the reality is that Seattleites are incredibly friendly.