What Junction is Blanchardstown Shopping Centre?

What Junction is Blanchardstown Shopping Centre? Blanchardstown Shopping Centre is located on the Navan Road/N3, just 1.5km from the M50 Junction 6 and 7km from Dublin Airport.

Where does the 39 bus leave from in Dublin?

The Dublin 39 bus serves 77 bus stops in Dublin departing from Delhurst and ending at Burlington Road.

What exit is Blanchardstown M50?

Where is the M50 toll road? The M50 toll is located between Junction 6 (N3 Blanchardstown) and Junction 7 (N4 Lucan) of the motorway.

What Junction is Blanchardstown on M50?

The M50 toll is located between Junction 6 (N3 Blanchardstown) and Junction 7 (N4 Lucan) of the motorway.

What Dublin Bus goes to Blanch?

TU Dublin Blanchardstown is easily accessible by bus. The following public bus routes currently serve the Blanchardstown area: Route 38 (from Damastown Towards Burlington Rd) Route 38a (from Damastown Towards Burlington Rd)