What Junction is A2 on M25?

What Junction is A2 on M25? Junction 2: (Start of Motorway) Gravesend, A2. Junction 3: Swanley, M20. Junction 4: Orpington, Bromley. Junction 5: Sevenoaks, M26.

What is Junction 10 on the M25?

Junction 10 is the busiest section of the M25, with over 270,000 vehicles travelling through it every day. Due to the volume of traffic and the resulting queues, this area of their network has a very poor safety record and holds one of the highest collision rates across the National Highways network.

How long is the A2?

The exact measurements of A2 paper are 42 x 59.4 cm (16.5 x 23.4 inches), whereas A4 paper is 21 x 29.7 cm (8.26 x 11.69 inches).

What is the longest junction on the M25?

Junction 23 on the M25 in Hertfordshire is the single biggest gyratory on the whole of the National Highways network. At about 1.2km in circumference, the junction sees some of the highest traffic flows on the M25.

What is the junction 25 of the M25?

The M25 or London Orbital Motorway is a major road encircling most of Greater London. The 117-mile motorway is one of the most important roads in the UK and one of the busiest. Margaret Thatcher opened the final section in 1986, making the M25 the longest ring road in Europe upon opening.

Where does the A2 start and finish?

The A2 is an important and major road in southern England connecting the port of Dover with London. The road stretches for almost 72 miles from Borough in the capital and finishes at the Dover Docks.

Why is M25 so busy?

Junctions and services The M25 has been criticised for having too many junctions; 14 of them serve only local roads. In 2016, Edmund King, president of the Automobile Association, attributed congestion on the M25 to excessive junctions.

What Junction on M25 is Gatwick?

The M25 or London Orbital Motorway is a major road encircling most of Greater London. The 117-mile motorway is one of the most important roads in the UK and one of the busiest. Margaret Thatcher opened the final section in 1986, making the M25 the longest ring road in Europe upon opening.

Where is Junction 24 on the M25?

M25 J24 Potters Bar Interchange.