What jobs are in demand in Switzerland?

What jobs are in demand in Switzerland?

Here are the 10 jobs in Switzerland that are needed most as of December 2022:
  • Nursing specialist (7.000)
  • Electrician (5.800)
  • =3. Sales advisor (3.500)
  • =3. Carpenter (3.500)
  • =5. Software developer (3.200)
  • =5. Project manager (3.200)
  • Retail specialist (3.100)
  • Polymechanic (3.000)

Can I move to Switzerland without a job?

If you wish to settle in Switzerland without taking up gainful employment, you must apply for a residence permit from the cantonal immigration and employment market authorities. Depending on your nationality, you must also obtain a visa from the Swiss representation abroad.

How much is rent in Switzerland?

In German-speaking Switzerland, rents range from CHF 1,100 to CHF 1,900, with an average of CHF 1,350. As a result, and on average, to ensure a good work-life balance, the recommended minimum gross annual salary would be CHF 48,600.

Is Switzerland looking for immigrants?

Like many other developed countries, Switzerland faces a significant shortage of personnel in many sectors. The immigration of skilled workers helps to meet much of the demand from companies, but the issue is politically controversial.