What is written on St Peter's Basilica facade?

What is written on St Peter's Basilica facade? On the facade, the scroll on his staff has the inscription, Ecce Agnus Dei. Redeemer is one of the titles of Christ. It refers to the saving significance of his death. With the facade statue, Christ is giving a blessing and standing beside his cross.

What is the most valuable item in the Vatican?

Valued by some as high as €2 billion, Nero's bathtub is one of the most precious works in the Vatican Museums. Stretching a whopping 25ft in diameter, it's made of a deep red/purple porphyry marble. This stone was quarried from a single source in Egypt and no other deposits of it have ever been found.

What is the largest church in the world?

St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, the largest church in the world.

Why is there an obelisk in front of the Vatican?

Peter's Square. The monolith was brought to Rome from the fabled Alexandria by Caligula in the year 37, ostensibly to honor the great Julius Caesar. However, there was once another theory: that the obelisk was not just part of a memorial to a great man from history, but also his mausoleum.