What is written at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty?

What is written at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty? A gift from the people of France, she has watched over New York Harbor since 1886, and on her base is a tablet inscribed with words penned by Emma Lazarus in 1883: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

What color was the Statue of Liberty originally?

The Statue of Liberty is an iconic blue-green symbol of freedom. But did you know she wasn't always that color? When France gifted Lady Liberty to the U.S., she was a 305-foot statue with reddish-brown copper skin. Her color change is thanks to about 30 years' worth of chemistry in the air of New York City harbor.

What are the hidden symbols on the Statue of Liberty?

Inspired by the Roman goddess of freedom, Libertas, the lady holds a torch in one hand (a symbol of the eternal fire of freedom) and in the other a book bearing the date of July 4, 1776, American Independence Day.

What is the unusual detail on the Statue of Liberty?

She sways in the wind The iron structure at the core was the height of innovation at its time, capable of shifting in the wind without cracking or bending. Lady Liberty can sway up to three inches in any direction during heavy winds, while her torch can sway up to five inches.

What message does the Statue of Liberty have?

As a national symbol, the image of the Statue of Liberty becomes synonymous with the American ideals of equality, democracy and freedom, represented in the museum collection by numerous artifacts and works of art.

Why does the Statue of Liberty hold a torch?

The torch is a symbol of enlightenment. The Statue of Liberty's torch lights the way to freedom showing us the path to Liberty. Even the Statue's official name represents her most important symbol Liberty Enlightening the World.

What does I lift my lamp beside the golden door mean?

The last line of the poem reads: Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Emma Lazarus is invoking the new opportunities presented to immigrants that make the trek from the Old World to the United States - the golden door is a symbol for their entrance into a land of ...

What parts of the Statue of Liberty can you go in?

Visitors to Liberty Island can tour the grounds and, with appropriate advanced tickets, visit the Statue's pedestal and crown. Visitors can also explore the Statue of Liberty Museum.

Is there a secret room in the torch of the Statue of Liberty?

Statue of Liberty - a room inside the flame Yes, you read that right! There is a secret room here, which you unfortunately can't access. In 1916, the room in the torch had to be closed after an explosion (which was an act of sabotage committed by German agents during World War I).

What are two lines about the Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924.

What does the 25 windows in the crown on the Statue of Liberty mean?

There are 25 windows in the crown which symbolize 25 gemstones found on the earth. The seven rays of the Statue's crown represent the seven seas and continents of the world. The tablet which the Statue holds in her left hand reads (in Roman numerals) “July (IV) 4th, (MDCCLXXVI) 1776.”