What is under the sand at the beach?

What is under the sand at the beach? Under the sand on a beach lies, degraded rock material from finer to the coarse with depth (and there might be plenty of those in cycles), with bedrock at its base.

What lives in little holes on the beach?

To protect themselves, ghost shrimp burrow deep into the sand, about four feet down. They use their legs to pull in ocean water so they can feast on plankton, then push or flick the water back up and out of the hole to keep their burrow clean—hence the surrounding “sprinkles.”

What is inside the sand at the beach?

Most beach sand is made up of quartz, “silicon dioxide, natural glass,” explained Leatherman. Rocks in rivers and streams erode slowly over time as they are carried to the ocean, where rolling waves and tides bombard them into even smaller particles. The finer the sand, the older it is.