What is U-Bahn short for?

What is U-Bahn short for? The U-Bahn or Untergrundbahn is the German version of the metro, subway or “the Tube” (the name is something of a misnomer, however, as many U-Bahn lines actually run above ground).

What if I miss my train in Germany?

You simply take the next train. If you have savings fares which are bound to a specified connection, you need to obtain a written confirmation from the conductor on the delayed train (i.e. BEFORE the change) that the train is delayed, then you can use the next available train without any extra fees.

Why is S-Bahn called S-Bahn?

S-Bahn is an abbreviation of Schnellbahn or Stadtschnellbahn (city rapid rail), and, as the name suggests, is the fastest form of public transportation. It is a kind of urban-suburban rail system and serves a wider metropolitan region, linking the suburbs and commuter regions with the city centre and main rail station.

Are there toilets on German trains?

On most ICE and some IC trains, reservation info appears on a small electronic display. All trains in Germany have toilets, and most intercity trains come with bistro and restaurant cars serving hot meals, snacks and beverages. There's no issue with bringing your own food and drink.

Is the subway free in Berlin?

The ticket costs 3 euros. 24-hour ticket: a ticket valid for 24 hours of unlimited use of public transport in Berlin regardless of means of transportation. The ticket costs 8.80 euros. Children under the age of 6 travel free on public transport in Berlin.

What does HBF mean in German?

Hbf – Hauptbahnhof, the main or central station of a town or city.