What is the youngest age camp?
What is the youngest age camp? If your child is 5 or under, that's too young for overnight camp alone. Go to a family camp together, or try an American Camp Association accredited day camp program in your area, which is a great way to get the feel for what camp is all about!
Is 13 too old for camp?
Based on our experience, we'd say that most children are ready for summer camp by the age of 12 or 13. At this point, they are in school year 6 or 7 and have had enough structured learning time. We think it's important to give them some more freedom before sending them off into the wild world of pre-tweenhood!
Can you camp with a 3 year old?
But as it turns out, many families love the adventure of camping, even with little ones in ?tow. The fresh air, the smell of the fire and the warmth it provides at night, and endless fun as you explore nature together. Camping with a toddler or baby is not only possible, but it's also enjoyable too.
Is Family Camp kid friendly?
Parents need to know that Family Camp is a faith-based family comedy starring YouTube's The Skit Guys, aka Tommy Woodard and Eddie James. While iffy content is mild, the story and messages are really directed at parents, so much so that kids may lose interest.