What is the trauma in Moana?

What is the trauma in Moana? The opening scene shows Moana and her classmates learning about the origin of the world they live in, and they, and we, hear about the traumatic theft of the heart from Te Fiti, the mother of all life, and of how that theft gave rise to a 'terrible darkness' that spread throughout the world.

What is the saddest part of Moana?

The death of Moana's grandmother is very sad especially for viewers who have recently lost a grandparent or don't understand death. There is another very emotional scene where her spirit visits Moana in the form of a manta ray.

What is the hidden meaning behind Moana?

The overarching message of Moana is, truly, that the worst thing to happen to you doesn't have to define you. Moana's father lives in fear due to a tragic past; Maui feels as though he is missing a critical part of himself without his hook; Te Fiti turns into a literal monster after she is attacked.