What is the top predator in Hawaii on land?

What is the top predator in Hawaii on land? But Hawaii's land-based wildlife is pretty benign. There are no predators, so the most dangerous creature you could encounter on a hike through Maui's wilderness might be a startled wild pig or a centipede—which can give a painful sting, but it won't kill you. No one has ever been maimed by a centipede.

What is the main predator in Hawaii?

Tiger sharks are the most wide-ranging top reef predator in Monument waters, routinely swimming hundreds of kilometers along the Hawaiian Archipelago and out into open ocean. Grey reef and galapagos sharks occasionally cross open ocean between islands but are generally resident at a single island.

Are there monkeys in Hawaii?

Answer and Explanation: There are no monkeys in Hawaii. Hawaii's indigenous animals, those that are native to the island, include the hoary bat, the Hawaiian state bird, the nene, which is a type of goose, the endangered Hawksbill sea turtle, and Hawaiian monk seals. There are also numerous kinds of native sea-birds.

Are there elephants in Hawaii?

Well, at the Honolulu Zoo they currently have two Asian elephants from India. Mari who is 46 years old and Vaigai who is 36 years old.

What is the safest island in Hawaii?

Kauai is the safest island in Hawaii, with the lowest violent and property crime rate compared to other islands.

Are there wolves in Hawaii?

No wolves in Hawaii. If that was a concern you had – rest easy. Hawaii is labelled as a pretty safe holiday destination. You won't find many apex predators in the landscapes of this tropical island paradise (even snakes).