What is the term for the area perpendicular to the nave between the nave and apse it is a special feature of the Constantine church?

What is the term for the area perpendicular to the nave between the nave and apse it is a special feature of the Constantine church? Between the nave and the apse, they added a transept , which ran perpendicular to the nave. This addition gave the building a cruciform shape to memorialize the Crucifixion.

What is the hallway that crosses the nave of a basilica called?

He added a new feature, the transept, a lateral aisle crossing the nave just before the apse, and thus created the cross-shaped plan that became standard for churches in western Europe throughout the Middle Ages.

Is the apse the altar?

This is generally where the altar is located, making the apse the most important section of the building. The word comes from the Latin apsis, arch or vault, and the Greek root hapsis, arch or loop.

What is the area around a cathedral called?

A cathedral close is the area immediately around a cathedral, sometimes extending for a hundred metres or more from the main cathedral building.

What is the difference between nave and apse?

Some of the key architectural features of a cathedral are the narthex (main entrance area), the nave (main aisle leading to the front of the cathedral), and the apse (location of the altar).