What is the term for the area between the crossing and the apse in a Gothic cathedral?

What is the term for the area between the crossing and the apse in a Gothic cathedral? transept, the area of a cruciform church lying at right angles to the principal axis. The bay at which the transept intersects the main body of the church is called the crossing.

What is the name of the aisle that might surround the apse of a medieval church behind the altar?

An aisle often surrounds the apse, running behind the altar. Called the ambulatory, this aisle accessed additional small chapels, called radiating chapels or chevets.

What are the parts of the outside of a cathedral?

Facade: The outside of the church, where the main doors are located. In traditional medieval design, this faced the west and is called the West End. Narthex: The entrance or lobby area, located at the west end of the nave. Nave: The primary area of public observance of the Mass.

What is the term for the area perpendicular to the nave between the nave and apse it is a special feature of the Constantine church?

Between the nave and the apse, they added a transept , which ran perpendicular to the nave. This addition gave the building a cruciform shape to memorialize the Crucifixion.

What is the difference between nave and apse?

Some of the key architectural features of a cathedral are the narthex (main entrance area), the nave (main aisle leading to the front of the cathedral), and the apse (location of the altar).