What is the sunniest month in Cornwall?

What is the sunniest month in Cornwall? Cornwall can expect well over 1500 hours of sunshine annually and, whilst May is usually the sunniest month, May to July average around 7 hours of sunshine a day.

What is the best month for weather in Cornwall?

If you're looking for warmer weather, the best months to travel to Cornwall would be July or August as the temperature is likely to be around 16-17°C.

Is September a good month to visit Cornwall?

As Summer comes to an end, visitor numbers drop off dramatically. So if you're looking for a little peace and quiet, you can't go wrong with a visit to Cornwall in September. Just make sure you book your stay after the school Summer holidays – these usually finish in early September.

Does it ever get hot in Cornwall?

In the months of July and August (the hottest part of the year) daily maxima range from about 19 °C (66 °F) on the coast of Cornwall to 22 °C (72 °F) across inland areas of the north-east (Somerset and North Somerset) and also Exeter due to being situated in the Eastern Lee of Dartmoor .

Is the sun stronger in Cornwall?

Cornwall benefits from the mildest and sunniest climate in the UK, due to its southerly latitude and the effect of the Gulf Stream. The sea surrounding our coasts and the southwesterly position means that the weather here can be relatively changeable.

Which part of Cornwall has the best weather?

The Roseland Peninsula, on which The Nare resides, has an even milder climate compared to the rest of Cornwall. A part of the south coast of Cornwall, the Roseland has its own micro-climate that allows palm trees, agave plants and other subtropical flowers to flourish in the hotel gardens.

Is Cornwall sunnier than London?

Specialist Inbound Group Tour Operator for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly. Did you know that Cornwall has the mildest and sunniest weather in the United Kingdom? It has 200 more sunshine hours than anywhere else in Great Britain and The Isles of Scilly are warmer than Cannes in the South of France in the middle of winter.