What is the sterile phase for the flight?

What is the sterile phase for the flight? The term 'Sterile Flight Deck' is used to describe any period of time when the flight crew members shall not be disturbed e.g. by cabin crew, except for matters critical to the safe operation of the aircraft and/or the safety of the occupants.

What is flight phase?

For the purposes of this document, phase of flight refers to a period within a flight. In the case. of a manned aircraft, a flight begins when any person boards the aircraft with the intention of. flight and continues until such time as all such persons have disembarked.

What are the 5 critical phases of flight?

“'Critical phases of flight' in the case of aeroplanes means the take-off run, the take-off flight path, the final approach, the missed approach, the landing, including the landing roll, and any other phases of flight as determined by the pilot-in-command or commander.

What do pilots say to request taxi?

“Taxi/continue taxing/proceed on Charlie, hold short of Runway Two-Seven.” When authorizing an aircraft to taxi to an assigned takeoff runway, state the departure runway followed by the specific taxi route.

How do pilots know when to land?

Question: How do pilots know when to descend to land on the assigned runway at the correct speed? Answer: Pilots plan the descent based on the wind and air traffic flow. Working in partnership with air traffic control, the descent is executed allowing adequate distance to descend and line up with the proper runway.

What are the 9 phases of flight?

Phases of Flight
  • Pre-departure. This is the preparation time for flight. ...
  • Clearance to Taxi. ...
  • Take-off. ...
  • Initial climb. ...
  • Climb to cruise altitude. ...
  • Cruise altitude. ...
  • Descent. ...
  • Approach.

What are the 4 fundamentals of flight?

The four fundamentals (straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs, and descents) are the principal maneuvers that control the airplane through the six motions of flight.

Do newborns cry on planes?

And just like adults might lose their cool on a plane, babies — who, after all, communicate by crying — can't always keep it together. Experts say sometimes the tears are unavoidable, but they do offer some tips on the best ways to help.