What is the speed limit in the Netherlands?

What is the speed limit in the Netherlands? The general limit on motorways is 130 km/h. In addition, there are other time- and place-dependent limits of 80, 100 and 120 km/h. Since March 2020, the daytime (06:00-19:00 h) limit has been restricted to 100 km/h for all motorways. There are some other limits (70 km/h and 90 km/h), but these apply far less often.

Can tourists drive in Netherlands?

Tourists are allowed to drive in the Netherlands on a valid state license, preferably in combination with an International Driver's License which may be obtained in the United States through the AAA.

Is it difficult to drive in the Netherlands?

The Netherlands is an easy country to navigate thanks to its well-maintained roads and the short distances between cities and sightseeing destinations. While the road rules across much of Europe are relatively standardized you should brush up on the individual countries to avoid fines and offenses.