What is the SOS whistle code?

What is the SOS whistle code? Each whistle blast should last 3 seconds. Another important code is morse code of SOS which is three short blasts (3 seconds each), three long blasts (6 seconds each), and then another three short blasts (3 seconds each).

How many whistle blasts for an emergency?

When you decide to stay put and wait for rescue, prepare help signals as soon as possible. The international emergency sign for distress is three of any signal: three shots, three blasts on a whistle, three flashes with a mirror, or three fires evenly spaced.

What does 7 blasts on a ships horn mean?

The general emergency alarm on the ship is recognised by 7 short ringings of the bell followed by a long ring or using the ship horn signal of 7 short blasts followed by 1 long blast.

What does one short blast of a whistle indicate?

One short blast tells other boaters, “I intend to pass you on my port (left side). Two short blasts tell other boaters, “I intend to pass you on my starboard (right) side. Three short blasts tell other boaters, “I am backing up.