What is the smell of the beach called?

What is the smell of the beach called? The rather stale, sulphury smell is dimethyl sulphide, produced by bacteria as they digest dead phytoplankton. At low tide, you'll also smell chemicals called dictyopterenes, which are sex pheromones produced by seaweed eggs to attract the sperm.

Why does the beach smell so good?

Sea air has traditionally been thought to offer health benefits associated with its unique odor, which Victorians attributed to ozone. More recently, it has been determined that the chemical responsible for much of the odor in air along certain seashores is dimethyl sulfide, released by microbes.

Why does the air smell like the beach?

More recently, it has been determined that the chemical responsible for much of the odor in air along certain seashores is dimethyl sulfide, released by microbes. Salts generally do not dissolve in air, but can be carried by sea spray in the form of particulate matter.