What is the safest way to pay for things in Mexico?

What is the safest way to pay for things in Mexico? Using your debit card in Mexico is generally safe, and carrying a debit card is safer than carrying a large amount of actual cash on you. A possible downside is when your card isn't accepted or stops working.

Is it better to bring cash or use card in Mexico?

A credit card will make the most sense for larger purchases and you'll likely need one for hotels. You'll always need cash to make everyday purchases.

Should I bring cash to Cancun?

Cash is a necessity in Cancun, given that many restaurants and gift shops don't accept credit cards. Like many other airports around the world, the Cancun airport is jam-packed with money exchange kiosks looking to convert your money into Mexican pesos.

Is it better to take dollars or pesos to Cancun?

The best currency to take to Cancun is Mexican pesos (MXN) as this is the official currency of the country and will save you money when paying for purchases. However, U.S. dollars are also widely accepted, so it's possible to use dollars when traveling in Cancun.

What can 500 pesos get you in Mexico?

For traveling (even on a backpacker budget) it is perhaps better to consider what 500 pesos (or $25 will buy). That is enough to rent a car for a way (minus non-specified expenses). It is also enough for dormitory accommodation in some of the cheapest hostels in Mexico City for two nights (around $8 per night).

Is $10 a good tip in Mexico?

In Mexico, a good rule of thumb for tips is to leave 10-15% of the bill. 50 pesos would be a standard tip for a bill that was around 500 pesos. For example, if you go out for dinner and get drinks, you should expect to spend around 400 MXN. That would mean your tip would be between 40-60 MXN.

Should I get cash for Mexico?

Since most major tourist attractions accept both U.S. dollars and pesos, you should bring a little of both. However, don't bring too much. Even though Mexico is generally safe, carrying large wads of cash in your wallet or pockets is not a good idea.