What is the safest time of day to walk?

What is the safest time of day to walk? Walk during full daylight whenever possible. If you walk in the dark, or during sunrise or at dusk, try to walk in a well-lit area. Wear bright clothing or a reflective vest, and carry a flashlight (National Institute on Aging, 2020). Walk on a sidewalk or a trail, if you can.

Is it safe to walk at 12 am?

The third timeframe in which you should avoid taking walks is just after midnight, between 12 a.m. and 3 a.m. Ten to 20% of accidents (depending on the time of year) occur during this time because most bars close around 2 a.m.; between the increased chance of drivers being intoxicated and the hazards of driving at ...

How safe do people feel to walk alone at night in Europe?

Many places in Europe are considered safe to walk alone at night. Switzerland and Germany are known for their low crime rates and generally safe environments.

Is it safe to walk alone at 8pm?

It is ok if you carry a gun or an other weapon but no if you're not carrying a gun or another weapon. The reason why you shouldn't go walking at 8 PM without a weapon is because at 8PM is when criminals that are wanted come out of hiding and either retreat or do more crime.