What is the safest route up Ben Nevis?

What is the safest route up Ben Nevis? For novices, we'd recommend the 'Mountain Path' (also known as the 'Pony Track' or 'Ben Path'). It's the simplest way to the top, and also the most popular. You'll usually start at Achintree on the east side (if you've parked at the Ben Nevis Visitor Centre or youth hostel, you'll start at west side).

Is Ben Nevis harder than Snowdon?

Ben Nevis is probably slightly harder, but not a great deal, if Snowdon posed no great difficulty, then you should be absolutely fine. One thing to watch out for is how to get off the summit. The top of Ben Nevis is a bit of a plateau, and can be tricky to find the right way off in bad visibility.

How fit do you need to be to walk up Ben Nevis?

Don't forget, this is the highest point of the entire British Isles. You'll need good cardio fitness to keep walking uphill for 6+ hours, and strong legs, core, and upper body to carry your stuff.

How long does it take a beginner to climb Ben Nevis?

How long does the walk take? An average time to the summit and back is 7 – 8 hours. Walkers fit enough to try to climb The Three Peaks in 24 hours need to take 5 hours or less. The winner of The Ben Race each September gets to the summit and back in around 90 minutes.

What time of year is best to climb Ben Nevis?

Weather on Ben Nevis It is strongly recommended that your first ascent of Ben Nevis be attempted during the summer months (approximately May to September). The chances of reasonable weather over this period are much greater than at other times, and the longer days are definitely reassuring.

What is the hardest part of Ben Nevis?

The North Face of the mountain offers the greatest challenges of all. The Ledge route is a non-climbing route, but it still has some sections of grade 1 scrambles. You may encounter pockets of snow even in early summer, so it's best to have some knowledge of using ice axes and crampons.

How difficult is the north face of Ben Nevis?

North Face car park is the starting point for the Carn Mor Dearg Arete route up Ben Nevis. While considered to be one of the most spectacular hill walks in the country, it's a long and extremely challenging route even by the standards of experienced hill walkers.

Is Ben Nevis harder than Scafell Pike?

Of the 3 both me and the wife found scafell the easiest. Nav would be harder than snowdon if it came in but i really enjoyed it.

When should you not climb Ben Nevis?

Be safe on Ben Nevis ! During the winter the mountain is cloaked in snow and ice and in these conditions only mountaineers equipped with ice axes and crampons should attempt the ascent. Winter conditions can occur from October to May.

Is there a cable car up Ben Nevis?

The Gondola transports visitors from 100m to 650m up the mountain and takes approximately 15 minutes each way. The Doppelmayr Gondola system comprises of 80 six seat closed cabins running on a continuous 4.6km steel cable weighing 40 tonnes.

Can an unfit person climb Ben Nevis?

How fit do you have to be to do Ben Nevis? Ben Nevis might not be Everest, but it's no joke. Don't forget, this is the highest point of the entire British Isles. You'll need good cardio fitness to keep walking uphill for 6+ hours, and strong legs, core, and upper body to carry your stuff.

Is there a safe route up Ben Nevis?

The route used to climb Ben Nevis during the 3 Peaks Challenge is the Mountain Track which is popularly known as the 'Pony Track'. This is the best route for summiting Ben Nevis without the need for climbing equipment or extensive previous mountaineering experience.

Is Ben Nevis beginner friendly?

You need to be reasonably fit before you consider making the ascent, and we wouldn't recommend a Ben Nevis walk for beginners. However, there is a path up Ben Nevis, and you won't need to do any scrambling.