What is the rope syndrome in snorkeling?

What is the rope syndrome in snorkeling? She said it turns out the cause of most snorkel-related fatal and near-fatal drownings is due to low levels of oxygen in body tissues prompted by excess fluid buildup in the lungs, otherwise known as hypoxia induced by rapid onset pulmonary edema, or ROPE.

Do you wear a life jacket when snorkeling?

In case you are an experienced snorkeler and you want to enter some slow currents, make sure to wear a life vest. This saves your energy and adds to your safety. Their bright colors make you more appealing in the water as well. Currents can be very dangerous.

How common are snorkeling accidents?

Though it is unclear how many deaths were due to ROPE, according to the Department of Health, there were 204 snorkeling-related deaths from 2012 to 2021.

Is it common to see sharks while snorkeling?

Even though the chances of encountering a shark while snorkeling is quite slim, it's nonetheless important to know what to do if you are faced with such a situation. The tips mentioned above can help you avoid that danger so make sure to keep them in mind while exploring the coral reef.