What is the relationship between housekeeping and the front office departments 3?

What is the relationship between housekeeping and the front office departments 3? Front Office and housekeeping are two most important departments of Rooms Division. Front Office sells rooms while housekeeping is responsible to clean and keep the rooms in perfect shape before front office sells to any guest. Both departments need to have excellent coordination, communication and team work.

What are the 3 major areas of housekeeping department?

Housekeeping Department Layout in Hotel
  • Office of the Executive Housekeeper - The administrative work of the department is carried out here.
  • Housekeeping Control Desk -It is accessible and operational 24 hours a day. ...
  • Laundry Area - Washing, ironing, dry cleaning, folding of linen and staff uniform takes place here.

What is the role of housekeeping in front office?

Front Office and housekeeping are two most important departments of Rooms Division. Front Office sells rooms while housekeeping is responsible to clean and keep the rooms in perfect shape before front office sells to any guest. Both departments need to have excellent coordination, communication and team work.

What are the duties and responsibilities of each room division staff?

As a rooms division employee you will be part of several interconnected functions that include: front desk, housekeeping, reservations, concierge, guest services, security, and communications.

What is the role of the front office in the departmental communication in hotel?

The Front Office plays a major role in delivering hospitality to guests. It sets the stage for a pleasant or an unpleasant visit. The front office communicates the guest requirements to other departments, which work in close co-operation and co-ordination to deliver required products and services.