What is the rainiest season in Hawaii?

What is the rainiest season in Hawaii? Hawaii's heaviest rains are come from winter storms between October and April. While the effects of terrain on storm rainfall are not as great as on trade wind showers, large differences over small distances do occur, because of topography and location of the rain clouds.

Does it get cold in Hawaii?

Seasons and Weather Hawaii has only two seasons, which Hawaiian natives have named Hoolio and Kau. These refer to winter and summer, respectively, but even during Hawaii winter weather, temperatures rarely drop below 75°F, which means the island offers an ideal climate for most individuals year-round.

What is the slowest month in Hawaii?

Spring and Autumn are the “low” or “off” season in Hawaii. April through mid-June, and September through mid-December see the fewest tourists. This can result in a wider variety of options for you when it comes to hotels, transportation, and attractions.

Can you swim in Hawaii in December?

Pacific Ocean temperatures on Honolulu shores are warmer than those of Hilo, but both are still swim-worthy at 77 and 73 degrees, respectively. Ocean temperatures in December all around the Hawaiian islands rest comfortably at about 77 degrees.

What is the hottest month in Hawaii?

Additionally, August and September are Hawaii's warmest months, with August being the hottest month overall. You can expect the average high temperature to reach around 87 degrees daily, while the average low temperature tends to stay around 76 degrees in August.

What do you wear in Hawaii when it rains?

A rain jacket is a good item to have, but make sure it's lightweight as the temperatures will likely still be hot even in the rain. Waterproof shoes are also helpful to staying comfortable through a rainy afternoon.

Can you swim in the rain in Hawaii?

Don't swim, surf or dive near harbor entrances, river mouths and channels, especially after heavy rains. These types of waters are known to be frequented by sharks. currents of water flowing away from shore.

Does it rain at night in Hawaii?

In the lowlands at all times of the year, rainfall is most likely to occur during the nighttime or in the morning hours and least likely to occur during midafternoon.

Is Waikiki Beach safe to swim?

As long as you observe the rules and use common sense, it is safe to swim at beaches like Waikiki.

Is Hawaii still nice when it rains?

And chances are, if it's raining in one part of the island, it's sunny on the other coast. (The eastern, or Windward side of each island is usually wetter than the Leeward or west coasts, which are more arid and drier.) Rain shouldn't ruin your day, though. It's what keeps Hawaii's beautiful environment lush and green.

What is the best month to visit Hawaii?

The best time to visit Hawaii is between March and September. This is when the islands see the highest temperatures and the lowest amount of rain.

What part of Hawaii rains all the time?

On Kauai, Mount Waialeale (one of the wettest places on earth) set an all-time monthly record of 93.71 inches of rain. Part of the reason for all of the rainfall is the current La Niña. During La Niña conditions, Hawaii is expected to have above-average rainfall totals.

What month is cheapest to visit Hawaii?

April thru June and mid-August thru mid-September are Hawaii's low seasons, and airfares are lower then. No matter what time of year you travel, you may be able to score better deals if you travel midweek.

How many days in Hawaii is enough?

While many vacations are five to seven days long, we recommend staying for at least 10 days to enjoy your Hawaiian vacation. The time change is difficult to adjust to at first and takes about 3 days to get fully acclimated. So, allowing a couple days to get over the jet lag is important.

Is it safe to swim in Hawaii waterfalls?

While it is nice to swim in the pool below the falls, we don't recommend swimming directly under the waterfall. The pressure of the water can be intense, and sometimes rocks and other debris can come over the falls without warning and cause injury.