What is the plural of bus?

What is the plural of bus? The plural form of bus is buses. To be fair, a few dictionaries do list busses as an alternative plural form of bus. But it appears so rarely that most people would view it as a spelling error.

Which is correct buses or busses?

Do You Spell It “Buses” Or “Busses”? The short answer: both buses and busses are acceptable plural forms of bus. However, buses is much more commonly used—almost exclusively—and is often considered the standard form.

What is the plural of bus Oxford English Dictionary?

noun. /b?s/ /b?s/ (plural buses, US English also busses)

What do British call buses?

But long distance buses are called coaches. In England and the rest of the UK and most, if not all of the english speaking world they are called - buses, which is short for - omnibus. The other word that is usefull if you wish to travel by bus is - bus stop, at these you may get on or off a bus.