What is the Pitcairn scandal?

What is the Pitcairn scandal? In 2004, seven men living on Pitcairn Island faced 55 charges relating to sexual offences against children and young adults. The accused represented a third of the island's male population and included Steve Christian, the mayor.

Can Americans move to Pitcairn Island?

Yes. Once your settlement application is approved and you have arrived on Pitcairn you can apply to the Pitcairn Island Council for a new migrant home land site.

How do people on Pitcairn make money?

The fertile soil of the valleys produces a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including citrus, sugarcane, watermelons, bananas, yams, and beans. Bartering is an important part of the economy. The major sources of revenue are the sale of postage stamps to collectors and the sale of handicrafts to passing ships.