What is the passenger section of a plane called?

What is the passenger section of a plane called? An aircraft cabin is the section of an aircraft in which passengers travel.

What are passengers on a plane called?

People On Board is a more appropriate term as it includes passengers, crew members, and other airline employees. The word Souls has its origins in nautical phraseology and was used to count the number of passengers and crew on ships lost at sea, reflecting the dangerous nature of seafaring.

What is the seat of a pilot called?

A cockpit or flight deck is the area, usually near the front of an aircraft or spacecraft, from which a pilot controls the aircraft.

What are the 7 phases of flight?

Phases of Flight
  • Phases of Flight :
  • Pre-departure. This is the preparation time for flight. ...
  • Clearance to Taxi. ...
  • Take-off. ...
  • Initial climb. ...
  • Climb to cruise altitude. ...
  • Cruise altitude. ...
  • Descent.

What is airline terminology?

The terminology used in aviation is the whole of the concepts and codes uttered by the pilot, co-pilot, flight attendant, cabin crew, tower, traffic controller, etc. during a flight.

Why do pilots say rotate before takeoff?

When it is used. According to the FAA, rotation refers to, When the wings are lifting the weight of the airplane off the surface. In most airplanes, this is the result of the pilot rotating the nose up to increase the angle of attack (AOA).