What is the new name for ETOPS?

What is the new name for ETOPS? ICAO. EDTO – Extended Diversion Time Operations. ICAO amendment 36 replaced the term ETOPS with the new term EDTO (Extended Diversion Time Operations). The main reason of this change in the terminology was to better reflect the scope and applicability of these new standards.

What is the longest a plane has flown without landing?

In 1958, that Cessna 172 flew nonstop for 64 days, 22 hours and 19 minutes and covered 150,000 miles (240,000 kilometers). That's about six times around the Earth or 15 Sydney-New York flights without touching the ground, and still stands as a world record, according to the Guinness World Records.

Are 737 MAX 8 safe now?

We are fully confident in the safety of the 737 MAX, in the updates, and in the work technicians performed while these planes were on the ground: Updating the plane with the latest FAA-approved flight deck software. Rewiring the aircraft. Opening and inspecting the fuel tanks.

What is the FAA ETOPS rule?

ETOPS is an acronym that stands for “Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards.” The standards determine how long an aircraft can fly from a diversionary airport with only one operable engine in the event of an emergency.

What is 737 MAX called now?

The move away from the MAX name has been a subtle process and Boeing has begun to use the name 737 MAX and 737-8(7 through 10) interchangeably. This way they are transitioning away from the MAX name toward the normal naming convention of modern Boeing aircraft.

Can you refuse to fly on a 737 MAX 8?

“If you could book a 737 500, and you find out it's a 737 MAX, technically they don't have to honor your request. … So you don't have a right to specify you are not going to go on a 737 MAX.”

What is the longest ETOPS plane?

Today, the best ETOPs certification record is 370 minutes, for the Airbus A350, powered exclusively by the Trent XWB. This maximum diversion time, of six hours and 10 minutes, is equivalent to a maximum diversion distance of 2,500 nautical miles (4,630 km), a civil aviation industry record.

Does 747 have ETOPS?

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2015 to fly beyond 180 minutes from an en-route alternate airport, the 747-8's design is approved to conduct 330-minute ETOPS missions. These missions allow operators to fly long-distances more directly on virtually any worldwide city pair routing.

What is the largest ETOPS?

The maximum ETOPS rating currently is ETOPS-370, which is granted to the Airbus 350XWB. The only area still off-limits with ETOPS-370 for twins is a portion of Antarctica.