What is the nationality of Antigua?

What is the nationality of Antigua? Nationality: Noun and adjective--Antiguan(s), Barbudan(s). Population (2000): 71,400. Annual population growth rate (1999): 1.1%. Ethnic groups: Almost entirely of African origin; some of British, Portuguese, and Levantine Arab origin.

Can you use US dollars in Antigua?

What currency is used in Antigua and Barbuda? The local currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (XCD) but the US Dollar (USD) is accepted over the counter. Pound Sterling can be changed at the banks and there are cash machines located at various places on the island.

What makes the noise at night in Antigua?

These are the smallest organisms with the longest of names. They are responsible for the chirping sounds heard at night, and become very noisy after a shower of rain.

Is Antigua rich or poor?

Antigua and Barbuda's poverty line was estimated at US$ 2,366 (EC$ 6,318) per year. Indigents made up 3.7% of the population; the poor but not indigent, 14.6%; and those considered vulnerable, 10.0%. The nonvulnerable population was 71.7% (4). Two districts had higher than average poverty levels.

What religion is Antigua?

The majority of the population of Antigua and Barbuda is Christian, and religious freedom is generally respected in the country, although Rastafarians face some obstacles to religious practice.