What is the most dangerous land predator in Hawaii?

What is the most dangerous land predator in Hawaii? There are no large land predators in Hawaii. The most common mammals on the islands are monk seals, boats, deer, mongoose, rats, wallabies, and feral cats. There are also no dangerous land snakes.

What animal is only in Hawaii?

The Hawaiian Monk seal ('ilio holo i ka uaua) is found only in Hawai?i, with most of the population frequenting the remote, nearly uninhabited Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Monk Seals are critically endangered, and are the second rarest seal species on earth (their Mediterranean cousins own that distinction).

Are there wolves in Hawaii?

No wolves in Hawaii. If that was a concern you had – rest easy. Hawaii is labelled as a pretty safe holiday destination. You won't find many apex predators in the landscapes of this tropical island paradise (even snakes).