What is the most common pilot deviation?

What is the most common pilot deviation? For pilots operating under instrument flight rules (IFR)—flights by reference to instruments only and operating under a clearance from air traffic control—the most common deviations are incorrect heading, altitude, or failure to comply with published airspeeds. Nearly all airline flights operate under IFR rules.

Who tells pilots what to do?

Air Traffic Controller - This person works in the control tower and talks to pilots by radio. An Air Traffic Controller tells the pilots when and where they can land their planes at the airport.

Can pilots forget to lower landing?

The most common cause of gear-up landings is the pilot simply forgetting to extend the landing gear before touchdown. On any retractable gear aircraft, lowering the landing gear is part of the pilot's landing checklist, which also includes items such as setting the flaps, propeller and mixture controls for landing.

Why do pilots ask for altimeter?

“What is the purpose of the altimeter reading given to pilots by ATC?” That is the local barometric reading, so the pilots can adjust their altimeter to the same reading to show the correct and accurate altitude for the area at that time. That's very important for landing.

What does altimeter 29.92 mean?

When you set your altimeter to 29.92, you're flying at standard pressure altitude. This is the altitude of the aircraft above the standard datum plane, the theoretical location where at 15 degrees Celsius the altimeter setting will equal 29.92 inches of mercury.

Can a pilot refuse a passenger?

Section 44902(b) of the FAA, known as “permissive refusal,” provides pilots with broad authority to remove passengers. The pilot in command stands in the role of the air carrier and can decide whether to remove a passenger from a flight for safety reasons.

Can a pilot overrule ATC?

(a) The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft. (b) In an in-flight emergency requiring immediate action, the pilot in command may deviate from any rule of this part to the extent required to meet that emergency.

How long does a pilot deviation stay on your record?

If the investigation reveals no violation, the file is closed, and no corrective action is necessary. False pilot deviation claims are not common, and those that are incorrect are generally not made with malicious intent. Pilot deviation reports where no violation is found are expunged from your record in 90 days.