What is the Mississippi River's lowest level in history?

What is the Mississippi River's lowest level in history? The Mississippi River was at its lowest point ever on October 18, 2022. The water level dropped to a record low of – 10.81 feet at Memphis, Tennessee. Water levels were so low that boats experienced problems navigating the river between Cairo, Illinois, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Is the Mississippi river a dead zone?

The Gulf of Mexico dead zone is an area of hypoxic (link to USGS definition) (less than 2 ppm dissolved oxygen) waters at the mouth of the Mississippi River. Its area varies in size, but can cover up to 6,000-7,000 square miles.

Why is the Mississippi river at record low levels?

Drought conditions increased evaporation, which lowered the river level. It also meant that rain did not refill the river. The Mississippi River drains over 1,000,000 square miles of land. The 2022 drought affected a huge area of the U.S., and this meant less drainage water joined its flow.

How deep was the Mississippi river before dams?

A: 18? to 24? According to our sources, the river in Saint Paul would be between 18? and 24? deep in the months of July and August, if it weren't for the pooling of water created by the locks and dams. Could you imagine being able to walk across the river all summer long?