What is the millennials preferred mode of transportation?

What is the millennials preferred mode of transportation? Millennials also show different attitudes and behaviors toward travel modes compared to Generation Xers (Blumenberg et al. 2016; Kuhnimhof et al. 2012). They show higher preferences for walking and transit than the previous generations (Blumenberg et al.

Do Millennials use public transportation?

Findings suggest that millennials are more likely to use public transit than older cohorts. Moreover, the results suggest that cohort differences, which tend to persist over time, and not life cycle effects, are responsible for greater use of public transit by millennials.

Why are millenials obsessed with travel?

Millennials are often characterized by their desire to pursue unconventional aspirations and travel is no exception. They have a voracious appetite for living life to the fullest, seeking out experiences, and connecting with people from all walks of life.