What is the meaning of unaccompanied items?

What is the meaning of unaccompanied items? Unaccompanied articles include household effects imported for relocation of residence, things such as personal effects that became unnecessary while traveling, and souvenirs sent from your visiting countries separately from the accompanied personal effects, by regular mail, airmail or sea mail, or international courier ...

How does unaccompanied orders work?

If the orders are unaccompanied, and the service member isn't permitted to take their dependents with them, then the service member may be authorized to receive a housing allowance for their dependents' location.

What is an example of unaccompanied baggage?

Examples: May consist of personal clothing and equipment, essential pots, pans, and light housekeeping items, collapsible items such as cribs, playpens, and baby carriages; and other articles required for the care of dependents.