What is the meaning of journey trip?

What is the meaning of journey trip? A trip is the act of travelling from point A to point B with no transfers (a single trip). A journey on the other hand can be one or a number of trips (transfers) combined to make it from point A to B.

What is an example of a journey?

: an act of traveling from one place to another : trip. a long journey across the country. a journey by train/bus. She's on the last leg of a six-month journey through Europe. We wished her a safe and pleasant journey.

What is the difference between journey and trip and picnic?

Journey refers to more deeper kind of travel. It is basically unplanned one in which you can go wherever you want. Where as The Trip is like short vacation, we always plan it by choosing our destination, travelling accordingly and coming back to the normal life. Picnic is nothing but a form of leisure.

What is a short trip called?

[ ik-skur-zhuhn, -shuhn ] show ipa. See synonyms for: excursionexcursioningexcursionalexcursionary on Thesaurus.com. noun. a short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return: a pleasure excursion; a scientific excursion.

What is the most important part of a journey?

The Process is the most important part of the journey. Appreciate it while you have it.

Is a journey a long trip or a short trip?

The word “journey” is a noun that means “the act of going from one place to another.” But, we use it in two specific ways: One is to talk about a trip that takes a long time, especially if there are either difficulties or discoveries in transit.