What is the meaning of FIR in ICAO?

What is the meaning of FIR in ICAO? Global airspace is divided into nine International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) air navigation regions, sometimes called Global Air Navigation Plan regions. Airspace is divided further into Flight Information Regions (FIRs).

What are the ICAO regions?

North American Region (NAM); North Atlantic Region (NAT); ?Pacific Region (PAC); ?South American Region (SAM).

What are the 3 emergency squawk codes?

The 3 Must-Know Aircraft Emergency Squawk Codes For Pilots
  • 7700 – Distress or Urgency Condition. Before we begin discussing emergencies, let's define our terms as listed in the Pilot/Controller Glossary. ...
  • 7600 – Two-Way Radio Communication Failure (NORDO) ...
  • 7500 – Air Piracy (Hijacking or Hostile Acts Onboard)