What is the meaning of embarkation and disembarkation card?

What is the meaning of embarkation and disembarkation card? Filling out the Disembarkation/Embarkation card If the process has not changed, a card will be given to you on the airplane and looks somewhat like this: First of all, “embarkation” refers to the act of boarding a vessel or airplane; “disembarkation” is the act of getting off the vessel or airplane at your destination.

What is embarkation and disembarkation procedures for passengers?

Embarkation is the process by which passengers are boarded and given their rooms, while disembarkation is when they are seen off the ship. On cruise ships, both happen on the same day when passengers from one trip leave, the crew make a quick turnaround, and a new set of passengers arrives on board.

Does disembarkation mean the start of the cruise?

Disembark means getting off of an airplane, bus, train or almost any other vehicle or vessel. Therefore, to disembark your cruise means getting off of the ship at your final destination. Think of it like this: When your cruise begins, you are embarking on your journey. When the cruise is ending, you disembark.

What is the difference between embarkation and boarding?

Simply put, embarkation is the process of getting on your ship – it's the cruising equivalent of boarding a plane! While the embarkation procedure may vary slightly between the different cruise lines, it will fundamentally remain the same and require you to have similar documents to hand.