What is the main town in the New Forest?

What is the main town in the New Forest? Lyndhurst. Lyndhurst, located in the center of the New Forest, is one of the most picturesque communities in the region. There are several nice places to eat and shop, and the New Forest Centre is a great place to learn about the area's rich history and culture.

Why is New Forest famous?

As well as being world-renowned for its habitats and wildlife, the New Forest is also home to thriving communities. Over the years there have been many renowned people who have called the Forest home, from artists to novelists, naturalists to admirals.

Can I drive through New Forest?

The New Forest National Park organisation says: “If you do decide to travel by car, take your time when driving around the National Park. Many of the New Forest's roads are narrow, and drivers will regularly come across cyclists, horse riders, walkers and animals in the road.

Can you walk anywhere in the New Forest?

The New Forest National Park has over 30,000ha of open access countryside and 325km of public rights of way for you to explore and enjoy. The Open Forest is a large area of countryside over which there is the right to roam on foot, and the right to roam on horseback over some areas.