What is the longest stretch of interstate without exit?

What is the longest stretch of interstate without exit? The 110-mile portion of Interstate 70 that winds through Utah is the longest stretch of road in the U.S. interstate highway system without motorist services. There are no gas stations, no bathrooms, and no exits. Between the towns of Salina and Green River, there isn't even as much as a legal way to turn around.

What is the longest straight stretch of interstate?

The longest straight stretch of Interstate anywhere in the Interstate Highway System is the approximately 72 miles (116 km) of I-80 occurring between exit 318 in the Grand Island area and milemarker 390 near Lincoln.

What is the only state without an interstate?

The states that are not part of the Interstate Highway System are Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. All 50 states have at least some highways funded by the Interstate Highway System. Yes, even Alaska and Hawaii. And Puerto Rico, as well, has a few highways funded.

What is the shortest interstate in the US?

What is the shortest Interstate? The shortest interstate is I-878 in New York City, which is all of seven-tenths of a mile long. That's just 3,696 feet.

What is the only Interstate Highway that splits more than once?

Interstate 35 (I-35) splits into I-35E and I-35W in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex in Texas, and similarly splits into I-35E and I-35W in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area in Minnesota.

What is the most heavily traveled interstate?

I-95: The Road Most Traveled : NPR. I-95: The Road Most Traveled Interstate 95 may be one of the least romantic roads ever built. But what it lacks in beauty, it makes up for in utility. How has this asphalt Amazon transformed the economy of the Eastern Seaboard?