What is the Loggia dei Cavalli?

What is the Loggia dei Cavalli? Loggia dei Cavalli, also known as the Balcony of Horses, has received its name from the renowned statue of the Horses of St. Mark. Often referred to as The Quadriga, the bronze statue was situated in the balcony in the 13th century when it was brought from Constantinopole after a crusade.

Why is Piazza San Marco famous?

Piazza San Marco is the city's main public square and contains its most famous buildings such as St Mark's Basilica and the Doge's Palace. Napoleon called it “the world's most beautiful drawing room”. Piazza San Marco is in the heart of Venice.

Can I wear flip flops to the Vatican?

Flat shoes: It is not expressly forbidden, but it is not recommended to visit the Vatican in flip-flops or casual sandals. Dress as if you're going to church! The Vatican Museums are enormous, with each hall stretching for eight miles. You'll be walking a lot, so take that in mind while planning your outfit.

Can I wear ripped jeans to basilica?

You can wear jeans inside St. Peter's Basilica. Make sure they're simple with no distracting patterns or strategic ripping.