What is the legal drinking age in Bali?

What is the legal drinking age in Bali? First and foremost, it's important to understand the legal drinking age in Bali. The legal age for consuming alcohol in Indonesia is 21 years old, but enforcement of this law can vary from place to place. Tourism has had a significant impact on alcohol availability and consumption in Bali.

Can you smoke in Bali?

What are drinking, smoking and drug laws in Bali? Smoking laws: Smoking or selling cigarettes and tobacco in public places like tourist attractions, hospitals, temples, and public transport is strictly prohibited. Smoking zones have been set up in public places where smokers can freely smoke.

How strict is Bali?

The regulations include a mix of common sense ?protocols as well as some Bali-specific rules tourists will need to be aware of. Among them, travellers have been warned to dress modestly and appropriately?, comply with local traffic laws and agree not to use profane language or single-use plastics.

What alcohol to avoid in Bali?

Chalmers says it is safe to drink beer, wine, or any sealed premix drinks while holidaying in Bali. “You just can't have anything made with spirits, like cocktails or free-pour drinks,” he said. “We're not trying to stop people from going to Bali, but the risk of getting methanol in your cocktail is not worth it.”

Is Bali good for clubbing?

Yes, Bali is definitely a party place. There is so much tourism thriving on the island that it is impossible for this place to not have bars and clubs where you can party.