What is the largest business travel market in the world?

What is the largest business travel market in the world? China is expected to be the world's leading business travel market in 2023, with an estimated total travel spending of more than 360 billion U.S. dollars.

Is tourism the largest export in the world?

This accounts for 29% of global service exports and 7% of overall exports of goods and services. These figures consolidate international tourism among the top five economic sectors in the world, behind chemical manufacturing and the fuel industry but ahead of the food and automotive industries.

Is tourism a big business?

The U.S. travel and tourism industry generated $1.9 trillion in economic output; supporting 9.5 million American jobs and accounted for 2.9% of U.S. GDP.

Where is UK in world ranking for tourism?

Report highlights. In 2022, the UK was ranked sixth out of 60 nations. The UK saw ranking improvements across many of the dimensions when compared to 2021; tourism retained sixth place, culture moved back up one place to third and people moved up two places to eighth.

How much is business travel worth in the UK?

Business travel expenditure contributed £27.5 billion in gross value added (GVA) and 283,500 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs to the UK economy in 2022. From this, £10.4 billion GVA and 79,900 FTE jobs were a result of the initial expenditure of businesses organising travel through travel management companies (TMCs).

Which country has the most business travelers?

The top three countries for business tourism are China, the US, and France.

What country is number 1 in tourism revenue?

Countries with the highest inbound tourism receipts worldwide 2019-2022. The United States was the country worldwide with the highest international tourism receipts in 2022.

Where does the UK rank in tourism?

The Travel and Tourism Development Index ranked the UK as the fifth-best country for non-leisure travel worldwide in 2021, and the first-best country in Europe.

Is tourism one of the biggest businesses?

Tourism made up 10 percent of global GDP in 2019 and was worth almost $9 trillion, 1. making the sector nearly three times larger than agriculture.

Which country is number 1 in tourism?

France is the most visited country in the world with 117,109,000 international tourists, thanks to its rich history and iconic landmarks. Mexico comes in second for most visited countries, with 51,128,000 tourists, offering vibrant culture and stunning natural beauty.