What is the landing gear configuration of Boeing 737?

What is the landing gear configuration of Boeing 737? The airplane has two main landing gear and a single nose gear. Each main gear is a conventional two–wheel landing gear unit. The nose gear is a conventional steerable two–wheel unit. Hydraulic power for retraction, extension, and nose wheel steering is normally supplied by hydraulic system A.

What are the 4 types of landing gear?

There are four basic types of landing gear. These are Tail-Wheel Gear, Tricycle Gear, Pontoons (or Floats), and Ski-planes. Each of these basic types fulfills a specific function that is unique to the aircraft operational requirements.

How much runway does a 737 need?

This is especially true for the critical aircraft – the Boeing 737-900 which requires a landing length of 6,800 feet under wet conditions and a takeoff length of 9,700 feet under maximum takeoff weight.

Can pilots forget to lower landing gear?

The most common cause of gear-up landings is the pilot simply forgetting to extend the landing gear before touchdown. On any retractable gear aircraft, lowering the landing gear is part of the pilot's landing checklist, which also includes items such as setting the flaps, propeller and mixture controls for landing.

What do pilots do if landing gear fails?

When an aircraft is unable to touch down with its landing gear fully extended it must perform a gear-up or belly landing. Such a landing does carry a small risk - there is likely to be damage to the aircraft; it could conceivably catch fire or flip over if it lands too hard.