What is the keeper of a castle called?
What is the keeper of a castle called? A castellan, or constable, was the governor of a castle in medieval Europe. Its surrounding territory was referred to as the castellany. The word stems from castellanus.
Who lives in the keep of a castle?
What other rooms were there in a Medieval castle? At the time of Chr tien de Troyes, the rooms where the lord of a castle, his family and his knights lived and ate and slept were in the Keep (called the Donjon), the rectangular tower inside the walls of a castle. This was meant to be the strongest and safest place.
What are the three types of stewards?
There are 3 types of environmental stewards: doers, donors, and practitioners.
What is a bailey of a castle?
A bailey is the sturdy wall around a castle that keeps invaders out. The bailey of a medieval castle was usually built of stone. You might see a bailey — or the remains of one — if you tour a castle in England or France.
Who protects a castle?
Some knights had the special job of protecting the castle that the king or queen lived in. They would deal with anyone who was attacking the castle or trying to steal things. Together, the knights who protected the castle were called a garrison.