What is the history of the Gedächtniskirche?

What is the history of the Gedächtniskirche? The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, or Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in German, is a Protestant church in Berlin that was built in the 1890s as a memorial to the first German Emperor Wilhelm I and then rebuilt in the mid-20th century after suffering bomb damage in the Second World War.

What is the meaning of Gedächtniskirche?

Gedächtniskirche (German for Memorial Church) may refer to several different churches, among them: Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche (also known in English as Emperor Frederick Memorial Church) in Berlin.

Was the Berlin Cathedral damaged in ww2?

During the Second World War, the Berlin Cathedral was severely damaged. A liquid fire bomb turned the main nave and the Hohenzollern crypt into ruins. The reconstruction of the church first 30 years later, during GDR times.

Who is buried in Berlin Cathedral?

Among the most notable sarcophagi are those of Frederick I and Sophie Charlotte, the first King and Queen of Prussia and the grandparents of Frederick the Great. The cathedral's dome was bombed during World War II, and the resulting collapse and fire damaged and destroyed some of the crypt.