What is the history of Lake Moeris?

What is the history of Lake Moeris? The lake is first recorded from about 3000 BC, around the time of Menes (Narmer); however, for the most part it would only be filled with high flood waters. The lake was bordered by neolithic settlements, and the town of Shedet grew up on the south where the higher ground created a ridge.

What is the story behind lake Qarun?

Historically, Lake Qarun was used to lower the magnitude of the Nile flood. During the flood season, the freshwater filled the basin of the Fayoum depression. By the end of the flood, the water stored in the great natural reservoir was discharged back into the thirsty valley by means of an outlet channel.

Was Lake Moeris man made?

The immense waterworks undertaken by the ancient Egyptian pharaohs of the twelfth dynasty to transform the lake into a huge water reservoir gave the impression that the lake was an artificial excavation, as reported by geographers and travelers during classical times.